Sunsets are a whole different thing in Northern Canada. . . #sunset #nwt #sky #orange #blue #beauty #nature #yellowknife #videoproduction #conservation #wetlands #photography #abstract #noruleofthirds by Michael Linton | Jul 26, 2017 | instagram
Sometimes, it’s worth getting up at 4:30am. Today is one of those days. . . #nature #sunrise #conservation #Canada #videoproduction #photography #cinematography #morning #beautiful #wetland #rescueourwetlands #orange #trees by Michael Linton | Jun 16, 2017 | instagram
Waste deep in the Marsh for @ducksunlimitedcanada today. . . #conservation #videoproduction #bts #nature #wetlands #rescueourwetlands #video #cinematography by Michael Linton | Jun 15, 2017 | instagram
Our office today. . . #wetlands #Ontario #conservation #Canada #thamesriver #Woodstock #videoproduction #bts #ontheroadagain by Michael Linton | Jun 14, 2017 | instagram